Posts tagged Fuji x100
KC 2013 | Stay Inspired

A trip to Kansas City is not only a fun getaway, it's also one of the trips we take to stay inspired. In the middle of all the busyness, Kansas City is a quick drive, it's affordable and there's lot's to see and do there. Some of the places we frequent are...

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We <3 | A blog post about some of the things we LOVE.

On Monday, we shared a wedding on the blog. It doesn't get much more lovey dovey than that. So today, we're sharing a few things that in our 7 years as a business, we have grown to love. There's no agenda here. We're not marketing for anyone or anything in particular. These are things that we truly and honestly love and believe in...about our community, our profession, and our daily life in general. Enjoy :)

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A Break

Now and then, I have to take a break. I'll admit, it's hard. I always end up feeling guilty. But in truth, I'm more productive when I'm inspired. And for me, inspiration comes when I walk away for awhile and recharge. For years, my escape has been photography. I love to hit the road with a car full of cameras and no map (not a good idea, by the way) or plan. Sometimes, I intentionally seek out areas or places to explore. Sometimes, I go with friends and sometimes, I go alone. As I'm typing this blog post, I'm realizing that the images posted here are at least 3 months old if not older. It's probably about time for another break :)

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