Posts in Personal Project
Traveling Tips, Tricks and Pics | Arkansas Commercial Photographer

In almost 20 years of shooting full time Commercial Photography with Novo Studio, I have traveled quite a bit. But for the life of me, I cannot remember a time when I’ve traveled so consecutively for work. For the last 8 weeks, I’ve been gone in some capacity. This does not make me a professional traveler, but I feel compelled to share a bit about my experiences and lessons learned regardless. Since I’m not a professional traveler, I’ll keep my stories, my tips and my tricks short and sweet.

But first, Coffee.

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J Ville Fla 2022 | Arkansas Commercial Photography

One of our favorite things about this line of work are the jobs that seemingly come out of nowhere. Case in point: Jacksonville Florida. Although we’re sworn to secrecy about what we actually worked on there ( Best Paste, Apollo Scrubs, Asmbly Agency), we did take our trusty little travel cameras with us with the intent of somewhat documenting our adventure. And document, we did. So today, we’re sharing a few of our favorite travel images. Enjoy.

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Alleyway Art | Northwest Arkansas Commercial Photography

It’s no secret that our beloved downtowns are filled with cool alleyways. And as our downtowns continue to grow and revitalize, the traffic in our alleyways is slowly increasing. Late last year, we collaborated with Downtown Rogers Inc. to turn one of our alleyways into an art gallery. The goal was to emphasize the fact that as our alleyways get more foot traffic, the need to keep them clean and safe and even make them more inviting is increasing. To make it even more personal, the art in the gallery was made up entirely of images created in that particular alleyway. Today, we’re sharing some here on the blog.

Happy #throwbackthursday

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Throwback Thursday | Picher, Oklahoma

Happy #throwbackthursday. Today on the blog, a visit back in time to 2010 where an entire day as spent exploring and photographing the ghost town of Picher, Oklahoma. Enjoy.

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